Offensive Technologies

Internet is a paradise for cybercriminals. In many cases attacker can break into poorly configured systems without even being noticed. Malware/ransomware, extortion through denial-of-service, and data breaches/theft can cause major havoc. This course looks at the resources that the security engineer and network administrator have available to detect, understand and resolve security incidents. This includes studying threats by performing cyber attacks on lab environments. After analyzing the causes of a successful break-in, solutions will be discussed, both on a design and implementation level.

The course will discuss the following topics in detail:


Students will obtain insight and skills in the subject of practical IT security, further improving reporting and presentation skills.


Information about procedures can be found here.

Teaching Method

Study Materials

Lecture notes, online material and books.

Time schedule

The schedule for this course is published on DataNose.

Assessment and testing

Results of project: report (67%) and presentation (33%).